I just placed an order, when will it be shipped?
We try our best to ship the items as fast as possible. Please allow 1-2 for order shipment, average shipping time is max 12days. Tracking numbers will be updated 1-2 days after the order is SHIPPED.
I didn't like my order, can it be returned? What if there is a problem?
We offer a 100% money back guarantee if the product is faulty or damaged. We give you 30 days to send it back to us and get a full refund. You must send it back at your expense, once we receive the product we will refund the full amount of your original purchase.
I have a question that has not been answered, can you please help me?
Absolutely! We are here to help you make your home beautiful! Send us an email at reginarusso1@icloud.com and we will be happy to help you in any way possible.